Little League Protection Program
Dear Little League volunteer:
Little League programs nationwide will be required to annually conduct a background check of: Managers, Coaches, Board of Directors members and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams.
The purpose of these background checks is, first and foremost, to protect children. Second, they maintain Little League as a hostile environment for those who would seek to do harm. Third, they will help to protect individuals and leagues from possible loss of personal or league assets because of litigation.
If even one of our volunteers doesn't complete and submit the Volunteer Application Form, our League will have their charter and/or tournament privileges suspended or terminated.
We know you'll agree that protecting our kids is the most important thing we can do. We value every single one of our volunteers, and want to make sure the experience is safe for them too. If you have any questions or concerns about the background check, please feel free to contact me personally to discuss it.
Donna Jewell,
W.C.L.L. President
What makes Little League tick? It's almost completely supported by volunteers! From the coaches who make things safe and fun on the fields, to the folks in the board room who make sure there's equipment and facilities in place, the Windsor Central Little League works because of people just like you who chose to give up a bit of their time for kids.
Whether you have an hour once a season, or an hour once a week, you can make a meaningful difference to the Little League players this year.
Here's an example of some of the ways you can help (like coaching, fundraising, umpiring, diamond grooming, helping at bingos and manning concession stands), letting you find just the right fit. In the meantime, please contact our League to learn more about the opportunities available to help.
You may also, click here to download the volunteer application form. Once completed the form can be given to any WCLL board member.

Bingos - Raising Funds for the League
Thanks to the hard work of our Bingo Director, Sharon Wolfe, our club is able to receive a monthly revenue from the bingos. Without this funding, it would be difficult to offer a baseball season that was affordable, well-equipped and fun.
The bingo revenue has helped us in keeping some of the costs down for registration but is not enough on it's own. This last year the revenue has dropped significantly so once again we had to increase our registration fees.
We need you to get involved in the fundraisers planned for 2016 and help us keep the costs of your child's registration from rising each year.
This is your league, get involved, come on out and have some fun!
See ya at the Ball Park!