Another season is FAST approaching....
Sign Up to be a Cyclone for the 2025
For the upcoming playing season
Please contact our player agent [email protected] for more information
Registration Fees for the season are:
T-Ball - $125.00
Minor-Major - $175.00
The days of play for this upcoming season are:
Minor Tee Ball 3-5 YRS OLD - Tuesday 6pm and Thursday 6pm- Optimist park
Major T-Ball 6-8 YRS OLD - Monday 6pm and Wednesday 6pm- Optimist park & any interlocking parks
Minor Baseball 8,9&10 YRS OLD- Tuesday and Thursday 6pm - optimist & interlocking parks
Major Baseball 11&12 YRS OLD- Monday and Wednesday - 6pm - interlocking parks
If you have any questions please email our player agent
Brenda Lockwood at [email protected]
If you are eligible for the financial assistance program Pathway to Potential, YOU MUST HAVE THE CORRECT PAPER WORK the day of registration or you will not qualify and will have to pay the full cost of registration.
If you have any questions please email our player agent at [email protected]
(You must have proper tax forms in order to be considered for financial assistance at time of registration)